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Meet our Delivery Driver, Dave

Our delivery driver Dave has been with Tri Underground for 17 years now and during his time with us, has delivered to some pretty remote locations & clocked up more km’s on his truck than most. To celebrate his time with us we asked him to write a bit about his time with us and here’s what he had to say

“I have been with Tri since 2005 which is around about 17 years.  During this time, I’ve driven approximately 1,5470,000 kilometres.

One of the first major subdivisions that I delivered to in the early years was Springfield and Mountain Creek when they were both bush. 

A couple of the strangest places that I’ve delivered to was the Clem 7 Tunnel under the Story Bridge.  The reason for this is because when I first went down there, I wondered why everyone was wearing raincoats until I got out and realised it was leaking.  I asked what was this stuff?  It was leaking from the walls and ceiling.  This was from the Brisbane River, so in essence, it was river water.  Today its not leaking because it now has a precast concrete shell with water pumps behind constantly pumping water out.  Another time, I was at Maryborough in a paddock/compound unloading.  A herd of about 30 goats came over and surrounded me.  I was trying to unload four pallets and every time I would try to unload a pallet, the goats would stand underneath it and look up at it. I’d have to stop, shoo them away and try and drop it before they got back underneath it again! I guess they thought it was food! 

The further point which I have delivered to a few times has been Moranbah which was a new estate for mining personnel and Injune via Bonnie Doon (we all know about Bonnie Doon) which was a gas plant.

The best places I’ve delivered to were Stradbroke, Macleay Islands and Noosa Northshore.  It was fun loading onto the ferry and going across to them.  

Once when I went to Lowood, I had to take Eva and another Tri employee with me to help with the reloading of conduit.  I got about 15 minutes down the road from Tri, wondered why they were quiet, looked over and they were both asleep! 

Once a trainee bobcat driver with forks was unloading me on site (it was a pallet of pits), he picked it up too quick, flipped it over the bobcat and it landed behind him.  The instructor said to me, “that’s probably not the right way to unload”.  We all had a laugh.

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